Murielle Chavarot-Kerlidou
CNRS Senior Scientist
Murielle Chavarot-Kerlidou received her Ph.D. degree in 1998 from the University Joseph Fourier (Grenoble). After a post-doctoral period in the group of Dr. Zoe Pikramenou (University of Birmingham, UK) studying photo-induced supramolecular processes based on luminescent metallocyclodextrins, she spent two years in the group of Marc Fontecave to develop chiral-at-metal ruthenium catalysts for enantioselective oxidation. She obtained in 2002 a CNRS position at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris), where her research interests dealt with the development of new applications of the arene-tricarbonyl metal complexes. In 2009, she moved to the Laboratory of Chemistry and Biology of Metals (University Joseph Fourier, CNRS, CEA, Grenoble) to work on hydrogen photoproduction. Her recent projects deal with the construction of hydrogen-evolving photocathodes by a molecular strategy and with the study of light-driven charge accumulation thanks to original ruthenium complexes, possessing pi-extended ligands.
In 2019, Murielle was appointed "Membre distingué senior" of the French Chemical Society.
Since the 1st of January 2021, she took over as deputy director of the GDR solar fuels (https://solarfuels.cnrs.fr/).
Selected Publications:
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2021, DOI : 10.1021/acsami.1c12138
ACS Catal., 2021, 11, 6, 3662–3678
Youssef Ben M’Barek, Timothy Rosser, Jérémy Sum, Sébastien Blanchard, Florence Volatron, Guillaume Izzet, Raphaël Salles, Jennifer Fize, Matthieu Koepf, Murielle Chavarot-Kerlidou,* Vincent Artero, Anna Proust*
ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2020, 3, 1, 163–169
N. M. Randell, J. Rendon, M. Demeunynck, P.‐A. Bayle, S. Gambarelli, V. Artero, J.‐M. Mouesca, M.Chavarot‐Kerlidou*
Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 61, 13911-13920.
Sebastian Bold, Linda Zedler, Ying Zhang, Julien Massin, Vincent Artero, Murielle Chavarot-Kerlidou* and Benjamin Dietzek*
Chem. Commun. 2018, 54, 10594-10597.
J.-F. Lefebvre, J. Schindler, P. Traber, Y. Zhang, S. Kupfer, S. Gräfe, I. Baussanne, M. Demeunynck, J.-M. Mouesca, S. Gambarelli, V. Artero, B. Dietzek,* M. Chavarot-Kerlidou*
Chem. Sci. 2018, 9, 4152-59.
N. Queyriaux, E. Giannoudis, C. D. Windle, S. Roy, J. Pécaut, A. G. Coutsolelos,* V. Artero and M. Chavarot-Kerlidou*
Sustain. Energy Fuels, 2018 2, 553-557
Covalent Design for Dye-Sensitized H2-evolving Photocathodes based on a Cobalt Diimine-Dioxime Catalyst
N. Kaeffer, J. Massin, C. Lebrun, O. Renault, M. Chavarot-Kerlidou, V. Artero*
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 12308−12311