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Suzanne Adams

Postdoctoral Fellow

Suzanne M. Adam received her B.S. degree in chemistry from Lehigh University (Bethlehem, PA, USA) in 2012, during which time she also began her research career in the lab of Dr. Gregory S. Ferguson. She completed her Ph.D. work at Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD, USA) in 2017 under the guidance of Dr. Kenneth D. Karlin, where she studied the mechanism of O2-reduction and structure-function relationships involved in PCET reactions of bio-inspired synthetic heme-Cu systems. She is currently completing post-doctoral research in the Solhycat group (CEA, Vincent Artero) and DCM-CIRE group (UGA, Carole Duboc) involving CO2 chemical valorization using bio-inspired heterobimetallic model complexes of carbon monoxide dehydrogenase and acetyl-CoA synthase. Outside of lab, Suzanne enjoys traveling, skiing, and playing soccer (football)

Selected Publications

1. Influence of Intramolecular Secondary Sphere Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions on Cytochrome c Oxidase Inspired Low-Spin Heme-Peroxo-Copper Complexes.

Ehudin, M.A.; Schaefer, A.W.; Adam, S.M.; Quist, D.A.; Diaz, D.E.; Tang, J.A.; Solomon, E.I.; Karlin, K.D.; Chemical Science, 2019, DOI: 10.1039/C8SC05165H.


2. Synthetic Fe/Cu Complexes Toward Understanding Heme-Copper Oxidase Structure and Function.

Adam, S.M.; Wijeratne, G.B.; Rogler, P.J.; Díaz, D.E.; Quist, D.; Liu, J.; Karlin, K.D. Chemical Reviews. 2018, 118, 10840-11022.


3. Phenol-Induced O–O Bond Cleavage in a Low-Spin Heme-Peroxo-Copper Complex: Implications for O2 reduction in Heme-Copper Oxidases.

Schaefer, A.W.; Kieber-Emmons, M.T.; Adam, S.M.; Karlin, K.D.; Solomon, E.I. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139, 7958-7973.


4. Critical Aspects of Heme-Peroxo-Cu Complex Structure and Nature of Proton Source Dictate Metal–Operoxo Breakage vs. Reductive O–O Cleavage Chemistry.

Adam, S.M.; Garcia-Bosch, I.; Schaefer, A.W.; Sharma, S.K.; Siegler, M.A.; Solomon, E.I.; Karlin, K.D. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2017, 139, 472-481.


5. A “Naked” FeIII-(O22-)-CuII Species Allows for Structural and Spectroscopic Tuning of Low-Spin Heme-Peroxo-Cu Complexes.

Garcia-Bosch, I.; Adam, S.M.; Schaefer, A.W.; Sharma, S.K.; Peterson, R.L.; Solomon, E.I.; Karlin, K.D. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2015, 137, 1032-1035.

Selected Presentations


Characterization and Reactivity of Heterobimetallic Complexes for Bioinspired CO2 Chemical Valorization

S. M. Adam, V. Artero, C. Duboc

19th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry: Bioinspired and Biomimetic Systems Symposium, Interlaken, Switzerland, August 2019.


Characterization and Reactivity of Heterobimetallic Complexes for Bioinspired CO2 Chemical Valorization

S. M. Adam, C. Duboc, V. Artero

Coordination Chemistry Day – Rhône Alpes, Grenoble, France, April 2019.


Bioinspired Heterobimetallic Coordination Complexes Toward Catalytic CO2-Reduction

S. M. Adam, C. Duboc, V. Artero

Labex Arcane Bio-Driven Chemistry Conference, Grenoble, France, July 2018.




Bioinspired Heterobimetallic Coordination Complexes Toward Catalytic CO2-Reduction

S. M. Adam, C. Duboc, V. Artero

ARCANE Day of Science, Grenoble, France, June 2019.


Characterization and Reactivity of Heterobinuclear [NiFe] and [CoFe] Complexes: Towards (Biomimetic) Stepwise CO2 Reduction

S. M. Adam, C. Duboc, V. Artero

ECOSTbio: Explicit Control Over Spin-States in Technology in Biochemistry, Berlin, Germany, April 2018.

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